A Bachelor´s Degree in Science / Agriculture / Engineering / Technology with a minimum of 55% marks for General / EWS / OBC candidates / Defence Personnel and 50% for SC/ST/PwD students from a recognized University (candidates waiting for final year results can appear for the entrance test, however, admission will be subjected to the above criteria).
For industry Sponsored candidates : Bachelor´s Degree in Science / Agriculture / Engineering / Technology with a minimum of 55% marks. Two years of industrial experience in a Food and/or allied industry is mandatory.
Industry sponsored candidates have to submit an authentic Certificate of Sponsorship from the sponsor (format for sponsorship certificate).
Course Fee
The course will span for four semesters. The course fee per Semester will be Rs.30,000/- (Rupees Thirty Thousand only). For Defence Personnel and Industry Sponsored candidates the course fee per semester will be Rs.60,000/- (Rupees Sixty Thousand Only).
Application Fee (Non-refundable)
Application Fee for the General/ OBC/ EWS/ Defence/ Industry Sponsored candidates is Rs.2000/- (inclusive of GST @ 18%) and for the SC/ST/PwD candidates is Rs. 1000/- (inclusive of GST @ 18%) Payments may be made through SBI Collect and copy of e-receipt of the same must be uploaded with the application.
Reservation Guidelines
Reservations will be as per guidelines given by AcSIR. Candidates claiming reservations under specific categories are required to provide attested documents as proof in support of their claims as per the format of Government of India.
Reservation for Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) is governed by Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act 2016).
Admissions reserved for OBC category are available to OBC candidates belonging to "Noncreamy layer". The criteria for Non-Creamy Layer (OBC-NCL) will be as per the notification of Government of India. The OBC category candidate should submit the OBC certificate on format prescribed by Govt. of India, having "Non-Creamy Layer" clause.
Candidates belonging to OBC category but coming under "CREAMY LAYER", are not entitled for any relaxation / reservation available to OBC category and should indicate their category as General in the application. Such candidates are considered in the general (GEN) category, i.e. unreserved category and they will be eligible only for the OPEN seats. Candidates claiming reservations in OBCs category should also be listed in the current updated CENTRAL list of OBCs (www.ncbc.nic.in). OBCs present in the state list but not covered in the central list of OBCs (as per the list in www.ncbc.nic.in) are not eligible to claim the reservation.
Reservation for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) in selection is governed by Government of India notification No. 20013/01/2018-BC-II, dated January 17, 2019 and issued by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. The benefit of EWS reservation will be given only to those General category candidates who satisfy the condition given in the above notification.
Provision for reservation for candidates belonging to EWS/OBC/SC/ST/PWD will as per the Government of India instructions issued from time to time.
Examination Pattern and Examination Centres
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) based entrance Examination will be conducted at Mysuru, Jammu, Guwahati, Ghaziabad, Thiruvananthapuram, Pune, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bengaluru in coordination with respective CSIR laboratories / Centres at these places. Candidates will have to provide three options while filling the application form. In most cases, the first choice of centre opted by the candidate will be assigned to the applicants. However, Examination authority reserves the right to change the centre due to operational reasons. This will be intimated to all the applicants well in advance.
Syllabus for Entrance Test for M.Sc.(Food Technology).
Selection Process
Any misrepresentation of your credentials may lead to the cancellation of the application at any stage. Any dispute(s) with regard to the selection / admission process will be under Mysore Court Jurisdiction only.
Documents to be uploaded
For further correspondence, kindly contact :
Head, Human Resource Development
CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute
Mysuru - 570 020
Email : hrd@cftri.res.in
For online application, please visit www.cftri.res.in/hrd
Any update regarding entrance examination will be hosted in the Institute website www.cftri.res.in