18 Mar 2021
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SME CORNER Expert column
Dr. Chetana R ,Senior Technical Officer (3), Department of Traditional Food & Sensory Science, CSIR - CFTRI

A supplement is considered Ergogenic aid only if it significantly enhances exercise performance. And nutritional ergogenic aids Include-Sports nutrition, supplements, beverages, performance enhancers, hydration beverages, recovery drinks etc. All these are mainly to reduce fatigue, and increase performance during sporting activities. Fatigue is a feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness, and usually results in deterioration in performance. Exercise promotes the consumption and depletion of energy sources such as glycogen. Also, exercise causes production and accumulation of metabolic products such as lactic acid and ammonia in the body and third, intense exercise can produce an imbalance between the body’s oxidant and anti-oxidant systems, i.e., the accumulation of reactive free radicals, which puts the body in a state of oxidative stress that is injurious or harmful for the body. Hence exercise induces the production of excess free radicals, and exogenous dietary antioxidants are capable of removing these free radicals and reduce exercise-induced oxidative injuries, thereby alleviating exercise fatigue.

Two polyphenol rich ingredients Green tea extract (GTE) and Curcumin were combined with whey powder, malted ragi / wheat and other ingredients for preparing a functional beverage suitable for sports personnel. Formulation of this beverage mix has been standardized and the technology is ready for commercialization. Animal studies using mice to evaluate the effect of delayed fatigue and exhaustion during exercise for functional beverage mix showed positive results. Endurance tests of athletes with the formulated beverage mix tried at Sports Authority of India, (SAI) Bangalore, has proved to be a potent recovery drink along with being an energy drink.